Learn how to make collage papers using stencils and acrylic paint.

Develop confidence and start your own collage with the papers you make
Gain the skills to create balanced and beautiful collages of your very own!

You’re just a few steps away from learning all how to create your own papers for only $10!
I want in!
From Jane:
To me, your success is personal. You’re not in this alone. I'm here to answer questions and help you develop your own personal collages with the beautiful papers you will create.
Check out our growing community
Jane's supportive coaching and approach has encouraged me to safely explore art without judgement...
-Cyndi Jackson
Jane has taught me to be present with whatever I am creating, and to "play with my "stuff"
-Diane Nickelson
Jane has given me so much inspiration and growth. I can't thank her enough!
-Linda Steffens

This is what you get for only $10!!! :
- One 30 minute video on how to create your very own collage papers with stencils and acrylic paint
- 2 process videos showing you two different ways to make a collage with the papers you just made
- Lifetime Access to the videos