Force VS Flow: How to Run Your Creative Business With Freedom

Welcome to the ArtFusion Podcast! In this episode, host Jane Bellante discusses force VS flow in your creative business.

Main Themes:

  • Purpose Beyond Profit: Jane discusses the importance of aligning your creative work with a deeper purpose, emphasizing that success isn’t just about the tactics and strategies of business, but also about the why behind what we do.

  • The Social Media Trap: In an age where our lives are increasingly intertwined with social media, Jane warns of the perils of becoming consumed by the constant noise. She offers insights on how this digital hustle can disrupt our creative flow and lead to a state of burnout.

  • Creative Breathing Room: Stepping back from the hustle is a central theme of this episode. Jane encourages listeners to give themselves the space to let creativity come forth naturally, rather than forcing it out through relentless effort.

  • Passion and Resonance: How do we find our true purpose? Jane advises us to tune into our passions and take note of what activities truly resonate with us. This introspection can guide us toward making a meaningful impact on others.

  • A Reflective Approach: Adopting a quieter, more contemplative mindset is recommended as a method to prevent overwhelm and maintain a sustainable pace in our creative endeavors.

  • Community and Growth: The episode invites listeners to join the Art Fusion community, where deeper connections and personal growth are fostered. Jane emphasizes the value of shared experiences and collective wisdom in nurturing our creative paths. You can learn more and join the ArtFusion Community right here:

Create more powerful affirmations using my FREE e-book right here:  How to Create More Powerful Affirmations eBook

Check out my Renewal and Rebirth Creative Retreat here (I only have 2 spots left!! Grab yours before they are gone) :

Head out to Nashville to the DayDream Apothecary Outlaw Masterclass.  I'll be teaching a full session on limiting beliefs and mindset- you will not want to miss it: Use code JANE and get $60 of Daydream products FREE with your Outlaw Masterclass ticket.

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