$850.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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One on One Coaching 6 Pay

Discover your authentic self and begin to live the life you have always dreamed of.  This 6 month session consists of (1) one hour 1 to one session or (2) 30 minute sessions each month for 6 months.  We will dive into your identity (who you are and who you aren't) using Jane's signature transformational methods.  Not only will you begin to understand how you are keeping yourself stuck, you will also understand how to begin telling your new story in a way that keeps you moving forward in building and living the life of your dreams. 

My one-on-one coaching sessions are tailored for individuals seeking to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and unleash their full potential. Through a combination of personalized guidance, limiting belief clearing, and powerful mindset shifts, you'll embark on a profound exploration of your inner landscape. Together, we'll identify and dismantle the barriers holding you back, replacing them with empowering beliefs and a resilient mindset. Imagine a world where fear and doubt no longer hinder you from living the life of your dreams, and where each obstacle becomes a stepping stone to greatness. With my proven techniques and unwavering support, you'll tap into a reservoir of creativity that flows endlessly from within. It's time to rewrite the narrative, embrace your true potential, and intentionally create your life.

**I understand that I am signing up for one-on-one coaching with Jane Bellante and that all results are based on my own practice, commitment and habits.  Because transformation takes someone fully committed to the process, once you have completed sign up, there are no refunds for any reason. You will be charged for 6 full payments. Jane Bellante is not responsible for the actions you take, or do not take when moving through the program. If you want to change your life, Jane will guide you through that process, but YOU are the one who has to create it for you. 

Now Let's Get Started!!!